The Importance of In-Person Networking
Did you see Michelle Broadbent's newsletter last week?
Michelle wrote about her time at the 2022 VA Awards here in Newcastle and really highlighted why it is so important!
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How much time do you spend out in the wild each week? I’m talking about stepping away from your laptop and out of your uggs to connect with humans in real life.
Last month I presented in-person at a conference for online business owners and it gave me, and my business, such a boost.
Fueled by caffeine and adrenalin, I got chatting with some of the attendees when I arrived. Many had come alone and were right out of their comfort zone. I met women who had been in business for years, others who were building their business while caring for ageing parents, living in a new town as a military spouse, managing their household without their FIFO husbands, or recovering from the trauma of an unexpected redundancy.
These amazing women and the conversations I had with them gave me nuggets of gold that I was able to weave into my presentation. I also got validation that what I was about to talk about was needed and important.
Would that have happened if I had presented virtually? Nope.
In fact, one of the presentations was pre-recorded and from the back of the room I watched as everyone started to gradually zone out, scroll through their phones and chat to new friends at their table. The value of being able to read the room and connect with the attendees in person was priceless.
Some additional value that I got from the experience that I can put a price on:
2 x new 1:1 clients
1 x podcast interview
1 x online community masterclass booking
1 x conference masterclass booking
Increase in podcast listeners the following Monday (which I assume was a direct result)
17% increase in followers on Instagram
Download of a dormant lead magnet (they are very clever those VAs, they can find things in the hidden depths of your website)
So, where could you show-up off-line to boost your business? You don’t have to be a presenter, you could attend a conference or an event (the silly season is approaching so it's a perfect opportunity for this). You never know who you are going to connect with and what opportunities will come from it.
If big events are not your thing, how about organising some in-person catch-up with a business buddy or client? Make an effort to spend time connecting offline and you will amplify your impact online.